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Mécénat Servier, valued partner of Espérance banlieues

Mécénat Servier celebrates in 2024 its long-term partnership with several schools in the Espérance banlieues organization. To mark the occasion, three schools share the achievements made possible by this invaluable support.

Education, a shared priority

For over 10 years, the Espérance banlieues nonprofit organization has been combating school dropout by setting up schools in priority neighborhoods in France. The aim is to provide personalized, caring support in small classes so that children can both learn and thrive!

The Mécénat Servier Charity Fund has been a partner in this worthwhile undertaking since 2018, helping several schools in the Espérance banlieues organization. This multifaceted support provides the schools with the means not only to operate, but also to procure teaching materials and give pupils unprecedented insight into the business world thanks to the involvement of Servier Group employees through Mécénat Servier solidarity commitment initiatives.

Education is one of the cornerstones of our work. We fell in love with Espérance banlieues’ education project, and we’re proud to have contributed to the creation and/or development of several of the organization’s schools: Cours Jules Verne in Le Mans, and three schools in the Paris region, including Asnières-sur-Seine, Poissy, and Mantes-la-Jolie.

Corinne Massin, Director of Corporate Philanthropy and General Delegate of the Charity Fund.

“We have the same vision for the coming generations”

In addition to an annual grant that covers the operation of a 15-pupil class over a three-year cycle, our partnership involves the participation of Servier Group employees, who meet with the pupils for one day each year.

The program for these visits was drawn up jointly with the teachers. In the first year, a dozen or so employees gave a presentation on the healthcare professions to CM1 pupils, then took part in a solidarity action and a school outing. The following year, as part of a correspondence project between CM2 pupils and residents of a retirement home, a Servier employee came to talk about the Fourth Age. This year, employees from the Marketing Department organized a presentation on adolescent health for 6ème students.

All these activities encourage children to envision themselves in the future, to dream, to dare, and so on. They enhance their self-esteem, giving them the boost they need to become future citizens. It’s a great way to give an extra dimension to learning!

Anne Esnault, Partnership Manager, Cours Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Asnières-sur-Seine)

“Our school opened thanks to Mécénat Servier”

My first contact with the Mécénat Servier Charity Fund goes back to the time when I was looking for financial support to open the school. I sensed a sincere interest in improving access to education and, above all, in the well-being of children and the desire for them to succeed. In a nutshell, we were on the same page!

The initial two-year agreement was used to finance the position of school principal. This partnership really determined the opening of the school because the establishment would never have seen the light of day without this support. The partnership was subsequently renewed for a further three years to finance the creation of a new class. Some companies fund one-off initiatives–outings, equipment, projects, etc.–but Mécénat Servier’s support is unique in that it is long-term, making it possible to cover the schooling of an entire class and the associated running costs over a school cycle spanning several years. We would now like to further develop this relationship by inviting volunteers from the Servier Group to join us on our school outings.

Sylvaine Lefebvre, President of Espérance Banlieues Poissy and Founder of Cours La Galiote (Poissy)

“We’re lucky to have a partner like Mécénat Servier”

Our partnership with Mécénat Servier provides us with invaluable support for all our operations – not only financial support, but also equipment and skills-based sponsorship missions at the school. This allows us to sponsor one class at our school with about fifteen pupils from disadvantaged areas in Mantes-la-Jolie.

I remember when the agreement was first drawn up. For the whole Cours La Boussole team, it was of course a financial guarantee that would enable us to move our activities forward with greater peace of mind, but also considerable encouragement from a committed group of caring, highly professional people.

Other key success stories have followed. For example, we recently invited Group employees to take part in skills-based sponsorship missions, which gave the children, the teaching teams, and the volunteers themselves the opportunity to enjoy some friendly, mutually supportive time together. This has deepened our ties with Mécénat Servier and actively contributed to introducing our students to the world of business, something that only an external volunteer can provide. Thank you to the employees who have already participated, and to those who will give it a try, we look forward to seeing you!

Juliana Viana, Head of Fundraising and Sponsorship, Cours La Boussole (Mantes-la-Jolie)

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