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Mécénat Servier has carried out operations in 32 countries since its creation in 2016. Discover our latest news.

Explore the 2021/2022 Mécénat Servier’s Annual Report

Since 2016, the Mécénat Servier Charity Fund has been furthering the philanthropic commitment of the Group, centralizing and coordinating its philanthropic initiatives to maximize its impact. Through its mission “Committed to Solidarity”, the work of Mécénat Servier is now more important than ever, in the face of global health and humanitarian crises

The 2021/2022 financial year was marked by the conflict in Ukraine. This emergency generated a wave of solidarity from the Servier Group and its employees, demonstrating once again their unwavering generosity with their monetary and in-kind donations. This financial year was also marked by innovation, with the launch of the first call for projects on “Culture, a Window to the World”, which allows the youth to have full access to the cultural scene. 

In this report, you will discover: 

  • A feature on the “Art in Immersion” program of the Culturespaces foundation, winner of our call for projects on access to culture for the youth 
  • A focus on the various initiatives supported by the Fund through our 4 areas of commitment: Health, Living together, Education, and Culture 
  • Spotlight on our partners sharing their projects with conviction and passion 
  • Interviews of our employees committed to solidarity 

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